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Using advanced search in participants tab

INTERNAL USE ONLY Advanced Search You can search for a desired participant by typing a name or email address into the Search bar, or you can make use of the Advanced Search feature. * Navigate to the  Participants  tab. * Select the  Participants  section. * Click  Advanced Search . * Choose from a list of crite…

Managing Participants in Qualtrics360

INTERNAL USE ONLY Managing Participants In addition to the features described above, you can generally manage your participants by checking them off. Clicking the box to the left of the dropdown menu selects all of the participants on a page. Once you select participants you want to edit, you can click the dropdo…

About The Participants Tab

INTERNAL USE ONLY About the Participants Tab You can manage the people taking your 360 survey by navigating to the  Participants  section of the  Participants  tab. In addition to accessing a number of  tools , you can search and edit participants in this section. Subsections There are three subsections to the Pa…

What's the difference between subjects and evaluators?

INTERNAL USE ONLY Differences between Subjects and Evaluators Subjects are the participants being evaluated in your 360. Evaluators are the participants who evaluate a subject. It is possible to be a subject and an evaluator at the same time. For example, I may evaluate you, but then my manager evaluates me, making …

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