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Revealing or Hiding with Display Logic
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Display Logic helps ensure that respondents only answer questions relevant to them.

In this article:

  • Display Logic
  • Logic statements
  • Multiple Conditions with And/Or
  • Logic Sets

Display Logic


Display Logic shows or hides questions based on specified conditions.


Display Logic conditions are based on previously collected information such as answer selections, contact list information, or Embedded Data.

For example, say you have a question gauging satisfaction on a scale from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied. If respondents choose Very Dissatisfied, you can set display logic to trigger a follow-up question asking how their experience can be improved.

To add Display Logic:

  1. Select the follow-up question.
  2. Click Add Display Logic under Actions in the Editing Pane.


  3. In the Display Logic window, add the conditions to be met before a respondent can see the question. In this example, you want to show this question only if Very Dissatisfied is selected.


  4. If you want to show this follow-up question if either Very Dissatisfied or Dissatisfied are selected, click the Plus Sign to the right to add another condition.
  5. Change how your conditions are linked by toggling the And dropdown. In this case, the statements are linked by Or if.dis3.png
  6. By default, a Page Break is added before any Display Logic question. Override this default by clicking In Page in the bottom-left of the Display Logic window, which causes the question to appear on the same page.


You can also add Display Logic to individual answer choices. Select an answer choice, click the blue dropdown, and choose Add Display Logic.



To use Embedded Data in Display Logic:

  1. Open your logic menu and choose Embedded Data.
  2. Enter the field name exactly as it appears in the Survey Flow.
  3. Enter what value that field should or shouldn’t be. For example “Equal to 18-25” if you want to display the question only to that age group. image11.png

Logic Sets

Use Logic Sets to define complex logic. A Logic Set is a group of conditions that are evaluated together. Logic Sets are also linked with conjunctions.


Logic Sets allow you to state that if one group of statements is true and/or if another group of statements is true, then perform the action.

To create a Logic Set:

  • Press the Shift key while clicking the plus sign (+) or click Move to a new Logic Set from the And dropdown. 2016-03-15_16-10-53.png
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