There are 2 options to assign breakout rooms as a host.
- Automatically which will place users at random into a breakout room based on the details you submit. This option is preferred due to in-meeting efficiency.
- Manually assign users into breakout rooms
Once the host has determined how to assign breakout rooms, click "Open All Rooms"
Click “Close All Rooms” to bring participants back into the one meeting room. Participants can join the main meeting room right away, otherwise the breakout rooms will automatically close in 1 minute and participants will be placed back into the main meeting room.
To launch breakout rooms again, select “Recreate > recreate all rooms” (keeping assignments the same) or automatically generating random rooms again, or manually assigning breakouts. Breakout room assignments will remain the same unless they are recreated. Reopening breakout rooms will send participants back into the breakout rooms originally assigned.
NOTE: Breakout Room Assignment Issue: If a participant is late returning from a break or for some reason doesn’t click ‘join breakout room’ when promoted, he/she will not be assigned into a room and it is not possible to move them into an existing room. If this happens, use the main room as a ‘breakout and assign them the work their colleagues are doing. Resolution: instruct that participant to log out of zoom and log right back in, then their name will appear; you can move them into a room.
TIP: INTENTIONAL ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: Plan your room assignments prior to the VILT, based on client requirements. During the informal opening, Open Breakouts and Create Rooms (select 3 or 4 based on your plan). Select Manual, and names will appear in alphabetical order. Move the participant name into the breakout room you have planned. The configured rooms will remain in the queue until you are ready to open them.
TIP: PARTICIPANT/TTT SWITCHING BREAKOUT ASSIGNMENTS: If you have someone in your session who wants to move from one breakout room to another, you can accomplish this by assigning co-host rights to that individual. This will enable them to move themselves from one breakout to another.
TIP: BREAKOUTS IN WAVES: Send participants into breakout rooms in waves. Holding some participants back for additional confidential role play instructions.
- Create breakout rooms as usual
- Provide verbal instructions to the participants you want to stay back. When I open the room, click "Later"
- The participant will receive message below "You can join Breakout Rooms from here."
- When they click, they will receive a pop-up message inviting them to join Breakout Room
TIP: Before launching the breakout rooms, invite participants to take a photo of the slide or content you are sharing for reference when they are in the room where they can no longer see it. Participants can share documents within their breakout room by navigating to the "Share screen" icon.
TIP: Check default settings for End Breakout Timing: Check this before you start to be sure that it is set to 60 seconds. In one case, the zoom room default was zero seconds, which means when the facilitator selected End Breakouts the participants were abruptly sent back to the main meeting room without the usual one minute warning.
- Option to leverage Breakout Rooms in a way that enables you to separate participants by role and give them instructions. Example: “Those of you playing the role of the Customer, please join me in the hallway for a moment.” Here is how:
- Open Rooms and send participants with instructions that they have 60 seconds to decide who will be playing each role (Seller, Customer, Observer).
- After 1-minute Close All Rooms and bring all participants back. Confirm everyone is clear on roles.
- With everyone in the main room, give specific instructions to the Sellers.
- Click Open Rooms and instruct only the Sellers to Click Join Room button. The
- Tell Customers; Observers Not to Join so they remain in the main room with you.
- Give specific instructions to the Observers and send them into the room with the Sellers.
- Give specific instructions to the Customer and send them into the room with their colleagues to begin role play.
- Note: to mix things up, you can assign the Customer to an alternative breakout room than the one he/she was initially in. Similar when in class to rotating to another table team. Moving them into an alternative room requires finding their name, highlight and select Move To and you may assign them to a different room.
Once a participant is assigned into a breakout room, the host can move individuals into other breakout rooms by dragging their name from one breakout room to another in the breakout rooms assignment pod. The host can join each of the breakout rooms, and the host can “Broadcast a message to all” participants inside the breakout rooms, and notify the breakout rooms that there is 1 minute remaining. (Note: this is a one-way communication feature during breakout rooms). Ending the session default timing is 1 minute.
A participant must click on the “Ask for Help” button which will alert the host/facilitator to “Join Breakout Room” or select “Later” to join that breakout room shortly.
See Facilitation Tips for leveraging Breakout room to replicate classroom best practices.