Sometimes you’ll have essential questions respondents must answer, such as those needed for logic or Piped Text. Use validation to force a response.
In this article:
- Forcing a Response
- Requesting Response
- Disabling Validation for Previewing
Forcing a Response
Use Force Response to make respondents answer a question before moving forward in a survey. If they try to leave the question blank, they’ll receive a message indicating they must answer the question before continuing the survey.
When Force Response is applied to a question, respondents must answer the question in order to move forward in the survey. If they try to leave the question blank and click the Next button, they’ll be stopped and given a message indicating they need to answer the question.
Requesting Response
Use Request Response to prompt, but not force, a respondent to answer a question.
With Request Response, respondents can choose to answer or to move on without answering.
Disabling Validation for Previewing
When Force and Request Response validation options are enabled, a Validation Icon (an asterisk) appears to the left of the question.
Force and Request Response can make previewing a survey tedious. To disable validation, click the Gear icon and click Ignore validation.