As of June 1, 2024, please ensure the Contracting section is completed before marking the Opportunity as Closed Won. This will prevent automation from creating a Renewal Opportunity for the overage. Marking the Opportunity as Closed Won will be the final step. Comments have been added to the video and you are encouraged to select the Zoom Clip option to view the recording.
This guide walks through how to create a Salesforce opportunity for Sales Order overages. To create a new opportunity, open Salesforce (SFDC) within Okta.
On the SFDC homepage, navigate to the Opportunities tab and select New Opportunity. Please use this path as opposed to Global Actions (plus sign in top right corner) to avoid currency limitations.
Begin to populate the details for your opportunity.
- Opportunity Name: This should be a unique identifier, such as the “SOW # Overages” or “SOW # Accelerate Overages”.
- Where multiple overage opportunities are created, please ensure the name is unique to avoid confusion. E.g. SOW 2 - Overage for 15 Licenses (June), SOW 2 - Overage for 15 Licenses (July).
- Account Name: Use the drop-down to search for the related account. It is imperative that the account name explicitly matches the customer record that is in NetSuite, as well as the contract. If you’re unable to find the account in SFDC, please reach out to [email protected] before advancing.
- Type: Existing Customer, Existing Business (ECEB) should be selected for all overages
- Close Date: This will be the date that the client says they want to make this overage purchase. In most cases, this will be “today”.
- Lead Source: Customer Success Group
- Stage: For simplicity, it’s recommended that you start with Stage 3, as the later stages require additional qualifiers
- Forecast Category: As it is a committed overage, select Commit.
- Reason for Buying: For all overages, select the Other category.
- Verify all information is correct and hit Save.
Upon saving, your new opportunity will be created. Click the opportunity name on the Home Page Dashboard to open the opportunity.
Before moving on, there are a few additional fields to populate:
- Opportunity Owner: Select RVP. This field will always default to the user who created the opportunity and should be changed to the RVP.
- Pricing Methodology: Select Standard Pricing by Desk. This is the established rate in the contract.
- Contracting Memo: Please input the Netsuite SO Overage and indicate this is a child overage. This helps both the Contracts quickly understand what this opportunity is. This record also carries over to the Netsuite Sales Order, which is helpful for CSG teams.
- Example: Child to SOXXXX
Verify all information is correct and hit Save.
With the opportunity created, you’ll now input the products and services needed.
The Opportunity Currency will default to USD - U.S. Dollar so it is important that before selecting products, you ensure the Opportunity Currency matches the original Sales Order in NetSuite.
Once the currency has been selected, navigate to the Products tab and select Add Products
From the Product book, you’ll select all of the corresponding items needed. A walkthrough video of the SFDC Product Selector can be found here.
Example: Your client wants to add two 2-day Sprint Dialogues workshops and 30 bundled IP licenses. You would select the following products:
Sprint Dialogue [COMM]
SFDC Workflow Tools [COMM]
SPP Accelerate - Program Unspecified [COMM]
QuickCheck – Program Unspecified [COMM]
Workshop Delivery (not pictured)
Next, edit the selected products with the following guidance:
- Quantity: This is the quantity of delivery days the client is purchasing.
- Example: If the client is purchasing two 2-day Sprint Dialogues, this number would total 4 delivery days.
- Sales Price: This is the unit price set by the contract. For overages that include licensing and/or digital tools, please be sure to enter the full decimal value from the Pricing Calculator into the Sales Price field in Salesforce. Guide can be found here.
- Example: Although the client is purchasing a total of 4 days, we would input the singular day rate of $4,500 as unit price.
- Date: Provide an estimation of when this work may take place
- Example: It is March and your client is buying additional delivery days to train in June; we would select June as the date in SFDC. This does not need to be exact.
- Verify all information is correct and hit Save
If at any time you need to edit or add additional products, you can do so by selecting Edit Products or the product line drop-down arrow.
- Example: In addition to the workshop days, 3 Accelerate, IP, and QuickCheck licenses need to be added. You can click Add Products and select the additional items needed.
Next, you will need to update the Contracting section:
- Contracting Status: Fully Executed
- Subsidiary: Ensure it matches the subsidiary on the original NetSuite Sales Order
- SOW #: Input the SOW #
- Contract Start: Today’s Date
- Contract End: Set to the same date as on the original NetSuite Sales Order
Review all opportunity information for accuracy including:
- Opportunity Name
- Opportunity Owner
- Account Name
- Currency
- Type
- Lead Source
- Close Date
- Amount: This should be the total of all products selected
- Forecast Data
- Contracting section
🎉 Upon accuracy inspection, you may move the opportunity to Closed in SFDC. This will mark the opportunity as Won and trigger Contracts to create the Sales Order in NetSuite, which you can then generate projects from 🎉
See it in action!