The article outlines the steps in Netsuite to create project numbers for New Sales Orders or Overages Orders after they’ve been entered into Salesforce.
Please click here for a video overview of Create Project Number - New Orders/Overage Orders
- In NetSuite, navigate to the "Create Projects from Sales Transactions" page. Instructions for accessing this page and creating a shortcut can be found here - (instructions for finding the page in NS and creating a shortcut).
- Check the "Create Project" box next to the line items that need to be created.
- Best practices for creating projects from this page:
- Edit the ‘Project Name’ Column based on the Contract:
- For Parent Projects: Rename based on the contracted work. Refer to the contract for more information on whether the Parent Project is tracking days or hours and how the services are scoped. Use the format "SO#### Delivery Content Parent Project". This will help manage Parent Projects across multiple SOs/clients and make it easier to distinguish between each new Parent Project as new orders are created.
- Examples:
- If there are multiple parent projects per SO (e.g., one tracking workshop delivery days and another tracking delivery hours for modular content): "SO2461 Sprint Selling Delivery Parent Project" and "SO2461 Modular Content Delivery Parent Project". This will make it easier to distinguish between the two parent projects and help you to quickly identify which parent to use.
- If all contracted days are bundled in one parent project: "SO2683 Workshop Delivery Parent Project" or “SO2963 PAS Overages Parent Project”.
- Examples:
- For Parent Projects: Rename based on the contracted work. Refer to the contract for more information on whether the Parent Project is tracking days or hours and how the services are scoped. Use the format "SO#### Delivery Content Parent Project". This will help manage Parent Projects across multiple SOs/clients and make it easier to distinguish between each new Parent Project as new orders are created.
- Edit the ‘Project Name’ Column based on the Contract:
- For Design Projects created: Replace "Misc. Custom." with Content Name, for example, change "Misc. Custom. – Content Dev. – ILT Workshop" to "Sprint Selling – Content Dev. – ILT Workshop".
- Best practices for creating projects from this page:
- Do not edit the Project Template Column.
- Do not edit the Parent Project Column.
- In the Project Manager Column, add the name of the Customer Engagement Coordinator assigned to the SO/project.
- Click “Submit”
The page will refresh when your project is created, and you will be taken to a new search page titled 'Projects'.
To easily locate the most recently created projects, you may need to sort the page by the 'ID' column. New projects will have the highest project numbers. The ID column is sorted highest to lowest when displayed like this - .
Additionally, project numbers listed on this page are clickable, allowing you to directly access your new project with a simple click.
All newly created projects will now be available on your saved searches across the Netsuite platform.