April 11, 2023 Release
The following items will be deployed in the upcoming release. This list does not include other internal and regular maintenance work that we are releasing.
New Product Features:
🌎 Accelerate Translations Available!
We are excited to announce the release of Accelerate course and User Interface (UI) translations.
Watch an experience overview here.
Currently Available
Sprint Negotiations, Sprint Coaching in the following languages:
Latin American Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese
European French
Sprint Sales Dialogues in the following languages:
European French
Latin American Spanish
Sprint Prospecting is expected to be released in May into all 8 languages above.
🗺 Additionally, to support our global scale, we've set up additional data servers throughout parts of the world. We have our US-based server in Virginia, and we've added two servers -- one in Frankfurt, Germany and one in Korea. We are currently in the early stages of also having a server set up in China. These additional servers will allow us to have better platform performance globally, while also maintaining data privacy compliance.
Please note, the following items are NOT translated:
Off-the-shelf Library workshop materials
This is due to materials requiring customization
Template communications and customer service
Salesforce workflow tools
Within the course content, videos remain in English with translated subtitles. Non-English video subtitles automatically remain on for all videos.
Accelerate Product Enhancements:
- Updated Course Publish & Syncing Tool
- The new course validation and publish service improves efficiencies and performance of the course sync capability thereby reducing course sync time. In addition, this new service will allow us to sync and publish courses by language to allow quicker processing for a single language.
We can now display a client's Custom Course Display Name in customer system notifications when one exists
- UI Improvements in Mobile & Tablet Views
- Header and Menu bar updates
- Course content improvements
Pages and columns stack for mobile readability
Survey and Assessments realigned for mobile
Right-sized text headings
Reduced horizontal padding in some pages to reduce narrow spacing
- Managers can now easily search for courses from the Course Selector dropdown on the Coach tab. Watch here!
- Exported Reports: On Coach page, this report will now include more detailed data, similar to the organizational export
Client Admins
- Exported Reports: Added column definitions to Client Admin/Supervisor Dashboard Organization & Filter Export Report
- Removed users Marked "Inactive" on Admin Site from Client Admin Dashboard
Richardson Admins
- Admin Site Efficiencies:
- Add filter feature to allow RSP Admin and Super Admin to filter on Course Name and Version Id
Add ability to bulk edit block/unblock email from user bulk edit pop-up
On User List, make User Group, Organizational Group, and Territory entries in table links to the show page
On User Group, Organization Group, and Territory list pages, standardize columns for number of users and supervisor email
Add "Expand All" feature on Org Chart
- Exported Report Updates
- Exported Reports:
- Added an export report that displays detailed assessment results for that tenant; this is on the admin site client admin dashboard only
- Added Knowledge Check results to Assessment Results Report (Organization & Filtered)
- Exported Reports:
Enabled a shut off feature for Leaderboards on Today and Practice for data protected regions and created the ability to select an alternate widget to show when a leaderboard is not displayed