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Home > Digital Products > SkillGauge - Internal > Implementation > Setting Up Client Communication Templates
Setting Up Client Communication Templates
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Naming Convention


CLIENT NAME _ Participant Comms _ Project Name (if customised) / GENERIC_DATE / Version number


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EMAIL RECIPIENT = <~recipient given name~>

JOB HOLDER FIRST NAME = <~job holder given name~>

JOB HOLDER SURNAME = <~job holder family name~>

USERNAME = <~username~>

PASSWORD = <~password~>

COMPLETION DATE/ CLOSE DATE = <~project close date~> -- Use for V3


Formatting code


<br /> <br/> (use at the end of a sentence)

<b> XXXX </b> (used to bold XXX text)



Guidelines for setting up Participant Comms


  • Metatags will not pull in the subject line
  • Use metatags and keep the communication as general as possible in relation to specific program names.
  • Please use the following naming convention for the file;


CLIENT NAME _ Participant Comms _ Project Name (if customised) / GENERIC_DATE / Version number


  • Please DO NOT put hard coded dates in to any participant communications.
  • Always contact [email protected] if unsure of email comms
  • Avoid using specific Project Names where possible (please include this within the Communication Name if unavoidable
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