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Home > Operations > Zoom VILT Support > Facilitation > Zoom Facilitator Guide: Connection
Zoom Facilitator Guide: Connection
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  • Connect to your router using an Ethernet cable
    • If must be on wireless, get as close to your router as possible
      • limit the use of other devices during your session. 
      • close all other streaming services (video - music).
  • Use to test your speed. You will need a stable 50mbps Download and 10 Mbps Upload. 
  • To maximize bandwidth and to minimize confusion and risk:
    • Close all browsers/applications except your PowerPoint and Accelerate (if appropriate) before entering Zoom meeting/link.
    • Switch OFF HD camera if possible
  • Plug in your laptop so it does not run out of battery mid-session!



NOTE: Have a plan B ready to go. Keep calm and carry on! If issues arise, keep cool and move forward. If you get dropped as the host/facilitator, do not panic. This has happened randomly but most commonly when you move in and out of breakout rooms. It is a Zoom technology issue (not user error) that remains unresolved. Alert your producer, then log back into the meeting. The meeting will remain in session even though you have been disconnected. Your assigned producer will need to leverage Admin rights to assign you as the host. If this is ineffective, restart your device and log back into the meeting. 

  • TIP: Plan B - Using a Second Device: Join Meeting with a second device (i.e. laptop, iPad, iPhone) in addition to your primary device. Assign the second device as a Co-Host. If you get kicked out/dropped from the meeting with your primary device, your second device automatically becomes the Host and you retain full control of the meeting, including breakout functionality. 
  • During your VILT introduction (Virtual Guidelines), set expectation for how to handle a crash or disconnection. “In the event technology fails us and we are disconnected from each other, wait 5 minutes and rejoin using the same link.” When a participant gets kicked out, they could rejoin once they clear their internet history or reboot their computer. 
  • When a participant calls the Support help line and hits #2, they will be asked by support to provide the meeting ID.  Take note of your meeting ID and have them write it down with the support number:
    • The meeting ID can be found at the top left corner during a zoom call. It can also be found within your meeting invite. Example -


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