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Home > Operations > Zoom VILT Support > Facilitation > Zoom Facilitator Guide: Join Meeting, Claim Host, End Meeting, Required Registration
Zoom Facilitator Guide: Join Meeting, Claim Host, End Meeting, Required Registration
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Facilitators and interim Producers are invited to an Outlook meeting invitation which includes the Zoom Meeting link URL set up by the Client Engagement/CSA/implementation team. Facilitators should not enter Zoom via a web browser or any other way. As of July 2020, individuals will notice that the Outlook invitation will include a Zoom Meeting Registration link that will require individuals to first register prior to joining the Zoom Meeting. 


Once an individual clicks on the registration link, they will be required to enter in their name and email address in advance of the event. Otherwise participants will register immediately before they join the meeting event.

















The Registration Options will default to “Automatically Approved” and therefore an individual will be provided the meeting URL onscreen once they complete registration.
















Registered individuals will also receive email confirmation which also includes the URL to join the meeting.


Facilitators and interim Producers will receive a link to the PPT slides from SharePoint. Facilitators and assigned Producers should plan to join 30 minutes advance of the meeting start time.  Do not enter your meeting room more than 30 minutes in advance. Please use the meeting link ONLY to join the event. Please use the meeting link ONLY to join the Zoom event. Do not enter the Zoom meeting via Web browser or any other way. 


Enter the host code immediately upon entering the Zoom meeting. Host code is 181801 for all Richardson client VILT accounts. 


Features that are available only after claiming host include recording, muting others, launching polls, breakout rooms, ending a meeting for all users.

Facilitators must make sure to END MEETING FOR ALL at the end of the VILT engagement. This allows the Zoom accounts to be available and leveraged again for other client VILT engagements. Click "End Meeting" in the bottom right corner of your screen. This will generate a pop-up window asking you to END MEETING FOR ALL. If you incorrectly select "Leave Meeting" this will lock out the next host utilizing that Zoom account. 






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