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Home > Operations > Editorial Support > Italics, Bold Print, Capitalization, Quotation Marks
Italics, Bold Print, Capitalization, Quotation Marks
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  • All instances of speech will be shown with quote marks around it (no italics).
  • Bold for emphasis (Use less often with Second Edition to avoid questioning over what should be bold and what shouldn’t.)
  • Do not use italics, unless necessary for a reference.
  • The choice of italics or quotation marks for a title of a work cited in text or notes is determined by the type of work.  Titles of books and periodicals are italicized; titles of articles, chapters, and other shorter works are enclosed in quotation marks.



  • Capitalize words in materials when they refer to a model/framework, when they’re in a bullet 1 for a list, etc.
  • Ex:  What you do in the Connect phase of the sales call to open the meeting creates an impression and sets the tone of the meeting.
  • Nothing should be set in all caps aside from abbreviations (titles, time zones, etc.), conames, when appropriate, and unless the specific style is in all caps (like Headings, Header Purple, etc.).
  • When referring to a specific page (e.g., “See table on page 26.”), page should stay lowercase.
  • Lowercase prepositions, regardless of length, except when they are used adverbially or adjectivally.
  • Do not capitalize internet.
  • Be consistent with capitalization.  If a word is capitalized or lowercase in one part of the document, make it consistent throughout.
  • Always capitalize in headings:  This, That, Those, These, Framework (only if specific).
  • Capitalize pronouns in a title.
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